Venus Escorts provides an Outcall only escort service, covering all London and Essex postcodes and are open 24/7
London 07471 699 730
Essex 07471 699 731

Tap Phone icon to call us
 anytime of the day or night


Rates for Bookings

Venus Escorts’ rates are from…

£110 - £150 hour

Our rates are incredibly easy, we charge what we say and not a penny more. No hidden costs and no secret fees, just what we advertise on the site.

 Prices start from £110 and this is our standard rate for 1 hour of our beautiful escort's time.

Additionally you will need to cover a £20 travel expense fee if within 20 miles, if more then 20 miles see prices below.

Any extras that you might want, such as costumes or specific experiences can be discussed on the phone at the time of booking.

We offer a range of saucy options, all of which are available at a great price.


Payments must be agreed before your session starts, including method of payment. This is usually done at the time of booking, you can tell our staff exactly what you want.

Payments are accepted in cash only and given to your escort at the start of your booking,

Travel fees

When booking an outcall escort she will need transport to your location. We use discreet, unmarked taxis to deliver our ladies, ensuring your privacy.

There is a small, one off fee that is applied to each booking that is used to pay for this taxi service.

If you are within 20 miles of Centre Point (Oxford Street, London, WC1) then this fee is £20.

If you are further away than that, the following rates apply:

20-30 miles: £30

30-40 miles: £40

50+ miles: Your rates can be negotiated at the time of booking.